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Community Café

See Details Below

November 19, 2024 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm


  • This event has passed.

Through the Older Americans Act funding, Eastern Area Agency on Aging is able to offer hot, nutritious meals at the Durgin Center.  You are eligible for a meal if you are one of the below:

  • Age 60 or older
  • A spouse of and attendance with someone age 60 or older
  • A caregiver to and attendance with someone age 60 or older
  • An adult with a disability
  • A volunteer under age 60 who provides services during meal hours


Participants must complete a one-time registration phone call for the Community Café prior to joining. To register please call 207-941-2865. After registration participants can RSVP for each Café they wish to attend. Reservations must be made no later than noon two business days before the Community Café. Please note we ask for such early RSVP as the caterer for these meals needs time to prepare our delicious meals ahead of time.

There is no obligation to contribute; if you would like to contribute, the recommended donation is $7 per meal. The donation is confidential and will not be linked directly to you. All donations are reinvested into the program to expand services to more people.